PAKPAC Day on the Hill for Human Rights in Pakistan

Tuesday, April 25, 2023 / 8:30 AM ET

4th Annual Bipartisan Convention

PAKPAC Day on the Hill for Human Rights in Pakistan

Tuesday, April 25th, 2023 at 8:30 AM ET

Tickets $125

Purchase Tickets Now!

On Tuesday, April 25th, join PAKPAC members from across the country for a day of bipartisan advocacy on Capitol Hill. Please join and be an advocate for the people of Pakistan. Registration includes admittance to an Eid Dinner at 6 PM that evening.

PAKPAC has secured a block of rooms at the Sheraton Pentagon City which will be available for $229/night, you can book your room reservation here.

Purchase Tickets ( below ) !

Paid for by the Pakistani American Public Affairs Committee. Contributions or gifts to PAKPAC are not tax deductible.
Corporate contributions cannot be accepted.